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State Representatives

ETA has both state and national representatives that represent ETA within the community when needed. We are always looking for new members to apply. Holding the title of state and/or national representative includes many duties. Upon applying and becoming approved, you might be asked to:

  • Promote ETA.
  • Contact ETA with any local developments reported by the industry or in the education of electronics related fields.
  • Offer clarification, when a situation arises in the area, and we need further details; for example, a licensing requirement or change.
  • Reach out to local schools or businesses with ETA material.
  • Visit a school or business which has shown interest in ETA.
  • Be available to attend a show or event, including a career day or job fair, if we are unable to send someone from the ETA home office.
  • Contact local industry or workforce development boards with ETA information.
  • Submit or write articles related to activities in your area for ETA’s publication, the High Tech News
  • Any other tasks that helps promote ETA within the industries we serve.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in pursuing, here are a few qualifications that, while not required, we like to see in our applicants:

  • Good standing membership with ETA.
  • ETA certification(s) obtained.
  • Experience in the electronics industry or electronics education.

If you are interested in applying or would like more information please contact ETA at eta@eta-i.org, or call (800) 288-3824. You can also print and mail/fax an application.