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Exam Results

Passing is 75% (excludes product-specific exams) on all ETA exams except the Senior Journeyman (CETsr) option, which is 85%. If you are not successful, then you can retake the examination after 30 days (excludes FCC exams). All retakes must be completed within one year. If you take your exam online with Trapeza, your results will display immediately after completing the test. If you test either online or on paper, ETA will process and mail your exam results and certification materials to you within 10-15 business days.

For quicker examination results, we can expedite your processing and send you an email with your exam score. Please fill out the Exam Results Request Form:

Exam Reviews

If you fail an ETA certification exam, then you can receive an exam review which covers the questions you missed. Exam reviews are available for an additional $25.00 per exam. Exam reviews are only available for paper exams. To request an exam review please contact ETA at (800) 288-3824 or eta@eta-i.org.

Exam Review Pricing

Exam reviews not available for all ETA certification exams including FCC licenses and the Communication Site Installer (R56) exam.

Exam Review: $25