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Broadband-Voice over Internet Protocol (B-VoIP)

B-VoIP technicians are versed in telephone and Internet communications. They install, maintain and repair/replace voice, data and video over Internet Protocol equipment. They are capable of interconnecting B-VoIP equipment to local and wide area computer network systems. They are familiar with many acronyms used in the telecom industry. They are capable of performing cable installation, replacement/modernization and interconnection between different cable types and wireless equipment. They are knowledgeable in all the protocols being used for the telecommunications industry. They are capable of configuring and provisioning B-VoIP equipment and transmission media.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

eITprep LogoETA is proud to partner with eITprep to offer an online study resource for this ETA certification - only $59.95! You will have 6 months to complete the content. These courses are for self-study or certification maintenance purposes only, and do not lead to certification. You will need to sit for the appropriate exam by contacting an ETA Certification Administrator and/or ETA-Approved School.

B-VoIP Exam Info

Price: $150
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required:
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Certified Satellite Installer (CSI)

The exams are practical and cover a broad range of hardware and broadcast technology, but are not limited to specific brands of products. The CSI covers: satellite communications history & theory, satellite dish reflectors, cabling, amplifiers, satellite dish feed-horns—LNBs & LNBFs, Satellite System Installation-site surveys, satellite receivers-digital technology, interfacing with other consumer electronics equipment, transmission-internet systems, troubleshooting, repairs, sun outage, and safety. Four endorsements are also available. Antenna (CSI-A)—roof top antennas, towers, and rotors. C and Ku Band (CSI-C/Ku)—aiming, installation and troubleshooting of large-dish systems. Commercial (CSI-COM)—VSAT and other commercial satellite systems including internet two-way units. S-MATV (CSI-SMATV)—satellite antenna signal distribution systems for multiple unit dwellings including cable-type headends.

Available CSI Endorsements

  1. Antenna
  2. C and KU Band
  3. Commercial
  4. S-MATV

Each of the four endorsements (Antenna, C and Ku Band, Commercial, and SMATV), if taken at separate times, is $60 per endorsement; if the CSI and all four endorsements are taken at the same time, it is $240 - a price break of $75; if you already have your CSI and later take all four of the endorsements at the same time the price is $180 - a $60 price break.

If you hold a Standalone CSI and later complete the Associate CET (CETa), then you are eligible to upgrade to a Journeyman CET! To apply for the Journeyman CET, you must have two or more years of combined work and electronics training. To upgrade, please fill out the Journeyman CET upgrade form. Journeyman upgrades are $50.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

CSI Exam Info

Price: $75
Type of Certification: or
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 50
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)

Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) technicians and installers cover basic knowledge concepts of distributed antenna systems and antenna installation. This also includes service and skills applicable to all of the functions required to safely and completely install, maintain, troubleshoot and provide support of in-building distributed antenna systems, communications and electronic equipment.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

DAS Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: or
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

General Communications Technician - Level 1 (GCT1)

The General Communications Technician certification is a program that is modeled after communication systems basics and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guidelines covering all of the disciplines in the COMT program. The purpose of the GCT is to provide a study guide and training program, along with the appropriate certification testing that covers all of the areas a radio communications technician and engineer will encounter in the public safety communications or business/commercial radio field.

Additional Information

GCT1 Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required: No
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

General Communications Technician - Level 2 (GCT2)

The General Communications Technician Level 2 certification is a journeyman level program modeled after wide-ranging industry communication systems encompassing more specific detailed items along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guidelines covering all of the disciplines in the COMT program. The purpose of the GCT2 is to provide a certification program and testing that expands upon the coverage included in the GCT1 competencies. The GCT2 certification technician candidate must hold the GCT1 or the Associate CETa as the minimum pre-requisite certification. Prior RF experience is highly recommended.

Additional Information

GCT2 Exam Info

The prerequisite for the GCT2 is the General Communications Technician - Level 1 (GCT1) or Associate CET (CETa) certification.

Price: $100
Type of Certification:
Maintenance Required: No
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 100
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Line and Antenna Sweep (LAS)

This frequency domain reflectometer (FDR) certification includes a hands-on testing and verification of line and antenna sweeping skills using modern FDR equipment, as well as a written exam. The LAS is a stand-alone certification, but it can be used as a Journeyman CET option when the Associate, or basic electronics, is also passed. The written exam must be passed with a score of 75% or higher.

If you hold a Standalone LAS and later complete the Associate CET (CETa), then you are eligible to upgrade to a Journeyman CET! To apply for the Journeyman CET, you must have two or more years of combined work and electronics training. To upgrade, please fill out the Journeyman CET upgrade form. Journeyman upgrades are $50.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

LAS Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: or
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required:
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Mobile Communications and Electronics Installer (MCEI)

This certification includes basic knowledge concepts of land mobile radio (LMR) and associated electronics equipment installation. This also incorporates required skills applicable to all of the functions required to safely and completely install mobile communications and associated electronic equipment, including removal and reinstallation.

If you hold a CEA Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MCEP) certification, then you are eligible to rollover to an ETA Mobile Communications and Electronics Installer certification! To apply, you will need to send a copy of your MCEP certificate to ETA via fax (765) 653-4287 or email. You may also attach when filling out the online form. MCEP rollovers are $100. The certification you are rolling over must be current.

Additional Information

MCEI Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Passive Intermodulation Testing (PIM)

The ETA PIM certification assures site managers that quality antenna installation has taken place and meets the desired engineering and propagation standard for that site, the PIM test set operator knows how to use the testing equipment hardware, and can do so in a safe and harmless manner.  Additionally, the ETA certification is based on the IEC 60237 standard covering the installation of antennas, connectors, jumpers and related antenna network elements, allowing the holder of that certification to use any manufacturer’s test set at any frequency range.  An ETA-certified technician has a clear understanding of antenna theory and interference testing and will be well positioned to help resolve site PIM issues, so resolving these interference issues will be easier for the ETA-certified technician.

If you hold an Anritsu PIM certification, then you are eligible to rollover to an ETA Passive Intermodulation Testing certification! To apply, you will need to send a copy of your PIM certificate to ETA via fax (765) 653-4287 or email. You may also attach when filling out the online form. PIM rollovers are $125. The certification you are rolling over must be current.

Additional Information

PIM Exam Info

Price: $125
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required:
Questions on Exam: 50
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

RF Interference Mitigation (RFIM)

RF interference mitigation technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of radio frequencies, how they interact in the environment and within equipment, how to identify and to correct interference problems. Prior experience with radio systems and equipment is strongly suggested (or taking a RF Interference hunting course) before taking this certification exam.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

RFIM Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification: Stand-Alone
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 100
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Radar (RAD)

Radar electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of radar basics and concepts, which are then applicable to all the various types of avionics, maritime and land radar systems. Radar Electronics Technicians must be knowledgeable and have abilities in the following technical and human relations areas: block diagrams and schematics, components, cabling and antennas, hand tools & soldering, mathematics, amplifiers, radar transceivers, interfacing, satellite, wireless, and data communications, computers and digital concepts, software-programming, troubleshooting, and people relations.

If you hold a valid FCC Element 8, and either the ETA Associate CET (CETa) or a Journeyman (CET) certification, then you are eligible for a rollover to an ETA RADAR certification! To apply, you will need to send a copy of your Element 8 certificate to ETA via fax (765) 653-4287 or email. You may also attach when filling out the online form. Element 8+ rollovers are $75.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

RAD Exam Info

Price: $75
Type of Certification:
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 50
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

TRN Wireless Communications Technician (TRN)

A wireless communications certification focused primarily on the private wireless industry. The TRN (formerly USMSS) is based on the Wireless Communications (WCM) competencies with the addition of areas related to LMR.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

TRN Exam Info

Price: $100
Type of Certification:
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 100
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Telecommunications (TCM)

Telecommunications technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of wired and wireless communications basic concepts, which are then applicable to various types of voice, data and video systems. Telecommunications Electronics Technicians must be knowledgeable and have abilities in the following technical areas: cables and cabling, analog telephony, equipment, telecom safety and mathematics, transmission service providers and protocols, distribution methods, computer, digital telephony, interfacing, internet, network infrastructures and topologies, office wiring, wireless telephony, test equipment, optical wiring, and troubleshooting.

If you hold a Standalone TCM and later complete the Associate CET (CETa), then you are eligible to upgrade to a Journeyman CET! To apply for the Journeyman CET, you must have two or more years of combined work and electronics training. To upgrade, please fill out the Journeyman CET upgrade form. Journeyman upgrades are $50.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

TCM Exam Info

Price: $75
Type of Certification: or
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 75
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours

Wireless Communications (WCM)

The following is a listing of each topic considered necessary to be included in a course of study directed towards the education of workers performing installation, maintenance and repair of mobile and fixed radio communications systems: radio theory, components, terminology and symbols, basic analog circuits, transmission lines, antennas and towers, cabling and connectors, block diagrams, schematics, flow charts, hand tools and soldering, grounding-lightning protection, radio mathematics and formulas, interfacing, computer and digital circuits, computer applications, internet applications, mobile systems, satellite-data-telecommunications, radio environment workplace safety and business practices, frequency bands for mobile communications, test equipment and measurements, troubleshooting, commercial radio networks, modulations schemes, control systems, rf interference and rf coverage analysis, testing and diagnosis.

If you hold a valid FCC GROL, and either the ETA Associate CET (CETa) or a Journeyman (CET) certification, then you are eligible for a rollover to an ETA Wireless Communications (WCM) certification! To apply, you will need to send a copy of your GROL certificate to ETA via fax (765) 653-4287 or email. You may also attach when filling out the online form. GROL rollovers are $75. NOTE: This rollover only applies to the new FCC question pools that went into effect December 26, 2009. No earlier licenses will be accepted.

Additional Information

  • FREE retake! ETA allows one free retake with all ETA certification exams after a 30-day waiting period. (This does not apply to FCC exams.) Retakes must be completed within one year of the first exam session.
  • ACCREDITED by the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC)

WCM Exam Info

Price: $75
Type of Certification:
Maintenance Required:
Certification Term: 4 Yrs
Hands-On Required: No
Questions on Exam: 100
Passing Score: 75%
Time Allowed to Test: 2 hours